Saturday, August 9, 2008

Nanny Diaries

So I dropped E off with her new nannies. It was her first time spent with non family members. I had a million errands to run and a tennis match at noon. When I left she gave me the biggest smile, made leaving her much easier. She was there for a total of five hours and did an excellent job. She was held the entire time so I'm glad she woke up to eat, I wasn't sure. She was there with one other girl and the fattest cat I've ever seen, named Misty! Hope she doesn't share Scott's allergy to the critters. I took these pics before we left the house, sort of like first day of school...don't call the safety police Aunt SB, I know she isn't buckled in yet.


Anonymous said...

MK, I love this website and I love her outfit. Oh my god, she is so cute! I can not wait to meet her in person. Nicole :)

Corbin said...

She is s cutie!!! JA starts "school" in 3 weeks. I am little nervous hopfully he will make abunch of friends!!!!

nanadeb said...

she looked soo cute going to the "stranger" babysitters for the first time!!! am so glad that you found those two little ladies I'm sure they will take great care of her! love,nana

Anna Carol and Jarrod said...

I stumbled upon your blog while looking at a friends and I recognized Ella from the babysitter. My son goes on Mondays and Thursdays. I call them the "Golden Girls." They are SO great. Mason loves going over there. HE thinks Ella is his new girlfriend :) She is a cutie.